Tim Barber Ltd featured in "Hollywood Interiors: Style and Design in Los Angeles"
We are pleased to announce that Tim Barber Ltd. is featured in a new book Hollywood Interiors: Style and Design in Los Angeles by Anthony Iannacci. The book presents a collection of nineteen homes designed and built in Los Angeles.read more . . .
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A Ticket to Explore JPL - Open House 2016 on June 4 and 5
Listen up, Space Fans!NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Open House is just around the corner. Its an incredible opportunity for adults and kids alike to learn about the wonders of space exploration and planetary science.This year, theyre doing things a little differently. Instead of the come one, come all approach of previous years, this years event is ticketed. So you MUST have a ticket to join the fun.read more . . .
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Look for These BAMO Faces at Upcoming Industry Events
2016 is proving to be an eventful year so far. And if the amount of industry gatherings we plan on attending is any indication, it will be a time for much creative growth, knowledge sharing, and connecting. Check out what BAMO has on tap in the coming months:??MAISON & OBJET Paris, FranceJanuary 21 26Principal Michael Booth has been enjoying his time in the City of Lights and is soaking up his last chances to visit showrooms and exhibitors, and attending all the soire . . .
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Tim Barber Ltd Architecture Awarded Best of Houzz 2016
We are pleased to announce that Tim Barber Ltd Architecture has been awarded Best of Design 2016 on Houzz?, the leading platform for home remodeling and design. We were chosen by the more than 35 million monthly unique users that comprise the Houzz community from among more than one million active home building, remodeling and design industry professionals.?read more . . .
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A Holiday Message From Tim
In our multi-cultural office at TBL, we have several races, religions, a range of ages and at least two genders and partnership styles. We have devoted parents and enthusiastic non-parents, dog-lovers and the pet-averse. Whats my point? We work hard to cheerfully collaborate. We creative types have opinions. Lots of them. Here at TBL we campaign and argue, negotiate, make mistakes, apologize, mourn our losses and celebrate ou . . .
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Happy Halloween!
This year the TBL team really turned up the creativity for its annual Halloween festivities. Costume ingenuity was taken to bold new heights with characters like Edward Scissorhands, Back to the Futures Doc Brown, Jackie O, and others. Tim & Lee proved that two Waldos are certainly better than one and Carol sold us what every architectural firm needs, beauty-ful marble columns. Bravo, team! Now, if we could just get over our candy hangover . . .
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Pumpkin Decorating Contest
We take Halloween very seriously here at Tim Barber Ltd. That includes an office-wide pumpkin decorating party and contest. With such a creative bunch, the competition was fierce. From mummies to spiders, and from bats to cats, there was a diverse group of spooky entries!?But only one takes the cake! (Or candy, as it were!)Congratulations to Kelly Olson for winning the contest with her adorable black cat pumpkin! Image 1:? . . .
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TBL Celebrates Its 21st Anniversary
For the 21st Anniversary at TBL, we are jumping right into our work truly.Breaking ground on another exciting project, we gathered on a recent afternoon to check it out.We are fortunate begin our 22nd year as a company with the finest clients, collaborators and vendors - doing work we love. Thank you all for your vision, support and design challenges! . . .
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Vladimir Kagan's praise for Zaha Hadid
Vladimir Kagan gives major praise to the renowned architect Zaha Hadid in his latest blog post. Apparently the love is mutual as she wrote the preface for his new book!? . . .
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